13 steps is an all terrain shopping carrier designed for people who need help shifting loads such as their weekly supermarket shopping.
The name 13 Steps was picked by co-designer Cheryl Georgopoulos who has to climb 13 steps from the garage to the kitchen when she brings her shopping home.
The carrier is based on an all terrain tracked platform able to negociate uneven ground and stairs. The cargo is contained in a safe box on top of the platform.
The user remote-controls the motion with a physically demanding dual handle controller that exercises the upper body.
At this stage the remote-controlled vehicle exists only as a 1/10 scale model.
Material: modified rucksack, battery, antenna, remote-controlled tracked vehicle, electronics.
Concept and fabrication:
Paul Gazzola and Paul Granjon with Cheryl Georgopoulos
Model: Cheryl Georgopoulos
Photographs: Stephen Oxenbury, Paul Granjon, Heidrun Löhr